Hace novena y cinco días escribí sobre los mil días de secuestro del soldado israelí Guilad Shalit por miembros del grupo terrorista palestino Hamás. Hoy, jueves 25 de junio recordamos al soldado por sus TRES AÑOS secestrado, así como también mantenemos el recuerdo del asesinato de sus dos compañeros; el teniente Hanan Barak y el sargento Pavel Slotzker.
-TRES AÑOS sin el beso de una madre.
-TRES AÑOS sin el abrazo de un padre.
-TRES AÑOS sin Libertad. La misma condena que Hamás impone a su propio pueblo en la Franja de Gaza. La misma ideología de la que se rige ese islám fundamentalista y criminal que gobierna una región corrupta, teocrática y poco o nada civilizada.
Guilad cumplirá 23 años el próximo día 28 de agosto. Fue secuestrado con tan solo 20 años, un niño. Raptado por el grupo terrorista (que no miliciano) Hamás, sin ningún escrúpulo puesto que bien poco les importa o nada que mueran judíos o su propio pueblo palestino sobre todo mujeres y niños, ya que no son más que puras máquinas de matar.
El odio, fomentado desde el más estricto islamismo radical pregonado por todas las mezquitas de la Franja de Gaza, les hace creer que exponiendo a sus propios hijos a un atentado estos lograrán alcanzar el martirio. Este auto-genocidio no es apenas delito para las Naciones Unidas, UE, grupos y países de la izquierda y demás calaña. La única condena enérgica, el único "genocidio" que se condena a nivel mundial y nos muestran los informativos es el que comente el malísimo ejército judío contra los pobres e indefensos, todos ellos civiles como no, palestinos.
Gracias a una mala política por parte del ex Primer Ministro Ehud Olmert, más decantada a cobardía y corruptela económica que a salvar a su soldado y proteger su país, llevamos ya TRES AÑOS sin poder recuperar a Guilad. Señor Olmert, usted debió de localizar y traer a Guilad en la última incursión en Gaza de enero de este año. VIVO. Y no salir de la Franja de Gaza hasta su recuperación.
Esperemos que Benjamin Netanyahu, este nuevo-viejo Primer Ministro, las cosas mejoren en la región y que recupere a nuestro soldado, nuestro héroe, sin tener que ceder a ninguna clase chantaje terrorista. Ese soldado pertenece al pueblo de Israel, al pueblo judío y no debe se utilizado como una moneda de cambio árabe.
NO al chantaje terrorista.
LIBERTAD para Guilad.
-TRES AÑOS sin el beso de una madre.
-TRES AÑOS sin el abrazo de un padre.
-TRES AÑOS sin Libertad. La misma condena que Hamás impone a su propio pueblo en la Franja de Gaza. La misma ideología de la que se rige ese islám fundamentalista y criminal que gobierna una región corrupta, teocrática y poco o nada civilizada.
Guilad cumplirá 23 años el próximo día 28 de agosto. Fue secuestrado con tan solo 20 años, un niño. Raptado por el grupo terrorista (que no miliciano) Hamás, sin ningún escrúpulo puesto que bien poco les importa o nada que mueran judíos o su propio pueblo palestino sobre todo mujeres y niños, ya que no son más que puras máquinas de matar.
El odio, fomentado desde el más estricto islamismo radical pregonado por todas las mezquitas de la Franja de Gaza, les hace creer que exponiendo a sus propios hijos a un atentado estos lograrán alcanzar el martirio. Este auto-genocidio no es apenas delito para las Naciones Unidas, UE, grupos y países de la izquierda y demás calaña. La única condena enérgica, el único "genocidio" que se condena a nivel mundial y nos muestran los informativos es el que comente el malísimo ejército judío contra los pobres e indefensos, todos ellos civiles como no, palestinos.
Gracias a una mala política por parte del ex Primer Ministro Ehud Olmert, más decantada a cobardía y corruptela económica que a salvar a su soldado y proteger su país, llevamos ya TRES AÑOS sin poder recuperar a Guilad. Señor Olmert, usted debió de localizar y traer a Guilad en la última incursión en Gaza de enero de este año. VIVO. Y no salir de la Franja de Gaza hasta su recuperación.
Esperemos que Benjamin Netanyahu, este nuevo-viejo Primer Ministro, las cosas mejoren en la región y que recupere a nuestro soldado, nuestro héroe, sin tener que ceder a ninguna clase chantaje terrorista. Ese soldado pertenece al pueblo de Israel, al pueblo judío y no debe se utilizado como una moneda de cambio árabe.
NO al chantaje terrorista.
LIBERTAD para Guilad.
David Adael
desde el exilio
25 de junio de 2009
desde el exilio
25 de junio de 2009
4 comentarios:
Varios medios de comunicación acaban de publicar, citando al diario israelí Haaretz, que la liberación del joven soldado podría ser inminente, a cambio de unos 1100 presos palestinos y de la reapertura de los pasos fronterizos.
Esperemos poder ver pronto a Guilad en casa.
Si, lo leí hace poco en internet. Fíjate que curioso... que 1 vida judía vale 1.100 palestinas. ¡¡Incluso ellos mismos se infravaloran!! ajaja
Es que el pueblo judio valora la vida yal vez mucho mas que las otras culturas. Muchas veces, recibimos noticias sobre la liberacion de Gilad y nos decepciono' profundamente.
Una carta a Gilad por Olivier Rafowicz:
Gilad, be strong
Family friend Olivier Rafowicz writes open letter to abducted IDF soldier, his captors
Olivier Rafowicz Published: 06.06.08, 00:42 / Israel Opinion
My young Gilad. I send this letter to you. It will soon be two years since religious fanatics, those hate-filled destroyers of liberty, kidnapped you.
It is almost two years since your image, that of a young man who just turned 21 years old, calls out to us saying: Come liberate me. I can continue no longer. I want to see my parents again. I want to go home, I want to leave the hell I find myself in.
Your face, Gilad – speaking as a father myself – haunts me day and night. I think of you like millions of other Israelis think of you everyday.
In the beginning, I thought that we could liberate you through negotiations and talks. But today, with Hamas’ army of terrorists under the orders of Tehran launching a rocket offensive on the State of Israel, I am becoming more and more worried.
Our weaknesses are our love of life
It is a heavy price of extortion they are threatening to put into effect if Israel does not cease its military operations, which are nothing more than a legitimate defense in the face of daily acts of war.
It is a dirty war that we are fighting with Islamic fundamentalists. I do not believe that they believe in God like they say they do. I do not think that Islam motivates them, but instead an unlimited appetite for death and destruction.
They are only strong because they know our weaknesses. Our weaknesses are our love of life, our respect for our children – I should say this applies to all children without exceptions – while they are ready at every instant to put theirs at risk or, even worse, use them as human bombs.
War is one thing, cruelty and barbarity are another
I remember young boys, aged 12 or 14, coming to army checkpoints with bombs in their bags, placed their without knowledge by an older friend connected to a terrorist organization.
Gilad – I am almost tempted to call you my son – keep yourself together, be strong! Your destiny today is also ours. A destiny within which, once again, the Jew is trapped, specifically targeted because he is the symbol of a nation and a unique history.
If the young followers of Hamas think that by using your life they can change the course of history, they are wrong once again. We love our children, but we also have another trait: we never forget…
I call on the followers of Hamas and their acolytes to carefully consider the disastrous consequences for them and those who support them – in the case that anything happens to the life of Gilad.
War is one thing. Cruelty and barbarity are quite another. The State of Israel is with you my son. And know that even if sometimes the situation seems bleak, your abductors should not confuse restraint with weakness.
Gilad, this is both a letter of respect and love that I am sending you. Even if you think you are alone in this sea of extremism and violence, our focus, our thoughts, and our efforts are turned towards you.
Your strength is ours and our lives are yours
This text is a copy of a letter written one year ago. Another year has passed and you are still not with us. The situation has deteriorated in the south of Israel and the risks of a large military operation to stop the missile fire which falls on Israeli towns seems very close.
This morning your real father called me and talked about his anguish and anxieties. I was distraught.
We are all affected, we continue to think of you, to love you and we will not stop taking action day and night until your liberation.
Gilad be strong, your strength is ours and our lives are yours.
Es que el pueblo judio valora la vida mucho, tal vez mas qie lar otras culturas.
En el pasado, recibimos noticias de la liberacion de Gilad Shalit y entonces nos decepciono' profundamente.
Una carta a Gilad:
Gilad, be strong
Family friend Olivier Rafowicz writes open letter to abducted IDF soldier, his captors
Olivier Rafowicz Published: 06.06.08, 00:42 / Israel Opinion
My young Gilad. I send this letter to you. It will soon be two years since religious fanatics, those hate-filled destroyers of liberty, kidnapped you.
It is almost two years since your image, that of a young man who just turned 21 years old, calls out to us saying: Come liberate me. I can continue no longer. I want to see my parents again. I want to go home, I want to leave the hell I find myself in.
Your face, Gilad – speaking as a father myself – haunts me day and night. I think of you like millions of other Israelis think of you everyday.
In the beginning, I thought that we could liberate you through negotiations and talks. But today, with Hamas’ army of terrorists under the orders of Tehran launching a rocket offensive on the State of Israel, I am becoming more and more worried.
Our weaknesses are our love of life
It is a heavy price of extortion they are threatening to put into effect if Israel does not cease its military operations, which are nothing more than a legitimate defense in the face of daily acts of war.
It is a dirty war that we are fighting with Islamic fundamentalists. I do not believe that they believe in God like they say they do. I do not think that Islam motivates them, but instead an unlimited appetite for death and destruction.
They are only strong because they know our weaknesses. Our weaknesses are our love of life, our respect for our children – I should say this applies to all children without exceptions – while they are ready at every instant to put theirs at risk or, even worse, use them as human bombs.
War is one thing, cruelty and barbarity are another
I remember young boys, aged 12 or 14, coming to army checkpoints with bombs in their bags, placed their without knowledge by an older friend connected to a terrorist organization.
Gilad – I am almost tempted to call you my son – keep yourself together, be strong! Your destiny today is also ours. A destiny within which, once again, the Jew is trapped, specifically targeted because he is the symbol of a nation and a unique history.
If the young followers of Hamas think that by using your life they can change the course of history, they are wrong once again. We love our children, but we also have another trait: we never forget…
I call on the followers of Hamas and their acolytes to carefully consider the disastrous consequences for them and those who support them – in the case that anything happens to the life of Gilad.
War is one thing. Cruelty and barbarity are quite another. The State of Israel is with you my son. And know that even if sometimes the situation seems bleak, your abductors should not confuse restraint with weakness.
Gilad, this is both a letter of respect and love that I am sending you. Even if you think you are alone in this sea of extremism and violence, our focus, our thoughts, and our efforts are turned towards you.
Your strength is ours and our lives are yours
This text is a copy of a letter written one year ago. Another year has passed and you are still not with us. The situation has deteriorated in the south of Israel and the risks of a large military operation to stop the missile fire which falls on Israeli towns seems very close.
This morning your real father called me and talked about his anguish and anxieties. I was distraught.
We are all affected, we continue to think of you, to love you and we will not stop taking action day and night until your liberation.
Gilad be strong, your strength is ours and our lives are yours.
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